Advent eLearning Update
How do you deliver student instructions?
The Advent eLearning system includes several different ways for you to communicate important
information or custom instructions to students as they work to complete their assignments. Here are
features you can take advantage of today.
Custom Letters
When you enter assignments into Advent eLearning, the system generates and mails letters to your
students telling them the assignment they have been given. This includes details about the assignment,
including when it is due, as well as the "login credentials" (User ID and Password) they'll need to log into the
system to complete the assignment.
We can customize the letters we send on your behalf with most any instructions you want the student
to receive when they are enrolled by you. We can even attach forms, agreements, and other items that
you want delivered along with the "Login" letter. Let us know if you'd like to review your current letter and
make any changes to aid in the student experience.
Custom Letter Text
You can also include custom instructions in your student letters on a case-by-case basis. Simply enter
those instructions in the Custom Letter Text box when you are creating an assignment, and those
instructions will be merged onto the Login letter.
Note: please let us know if you would like to take advantage of the Custom Letter Text so we can add that field to your letter template(s).
Optional Login Welcomes
Once a student has received their login credentials from your letter, you can display a custom "Welcome Page" with custom greetings, instructions, welcome messages, etc. to display any time a student successfully logs into the system.
Login Welcomes can be different from course-to-course. So you can deliver one welcome page for your Traffic course, another for your Shoplifting course, etc. In the case of an assignment with multiple courses assigned, the Login Welcome will display for the first course to be taken.
Let us know if you'd like to deploy Login Welcomes for the courses you use.
Custom Homepage Instructions
Each time a student goes into the eLearning system, they see the assignments they have been given to complete (My Courses), as well as standard instructions for using the site (Important Information) on what we call the Student Homepage.
We can customize the Important Information area of the Student Homepage to deliver whatever instructions YOU want to deliver in that area. For instance, if you need the student to complete other tasks outside of the eLearning system after they take the course, you can communicate those instructions here. And the Student Homepage instructions can be different from course-to-course. So you can deliver one set of instructions to go with your Traffic Program, another to go with your Shoplifting program, etc.
If you assign multiple courses on an assignment, the Important Information will display for ALL the courses assigned in the order that the courses are to be taken.
Contact us if you'd like to deploy custom Important Information on the Student Homepage for your programs.
As always, please contact Client Services for more information about or to take advantage of any of these powerful communication options for your students.